Weekly Round-up: 19 Mar 2023

All the latest news, events, and results from NFCC Members from this week’s two-wheeled adventures…

Midweek Zwift Training

A team of five riders; Jay Tarrant, Matt Smith, Phil Jones, Ed Belsham and Phill Grant set off on what was a new course for the NFCC Virtual ChainGang; Innsbruck KOM after party. Three laps (30km) of the relatively flat town, followed by an optional “race” up the 7km Innsbruck KOM… to Matt Smith’s delight! The group rode well, staying together all the way to the start of the KOM. 4 riders chose to ride all the way up, with Jay taking 1st place just inches in front of Phil G who was now deeply regretting his choice of course.
If you’re a current Club Member and want to get involved with the Zwift training rides, CLICK HERE to send an email and receive instructions on how to join the Virtual NFCC Zwift Club.

NFCC AGM & AwardsEvening

The annual NFCC AGM & Awards Presentation was held on Friday Evening at Greyfriars in Ringwood – thanks are extended to those that were present on the evening and those who offered their apologies for their absence. A full set of minutes will be published on the Club Website within 7 days. A full list of the awards presented can be found by CLICKING HERE.

Saturday Club Ride

It seems that a lot of the regular Saturday riders have developed hydrophobia over the last couple of weeks as only seven brave souls turned up this week for a 115Km planned ride. we set out riding eastwards towards Hatchet Pond. By the time we got to East Boldre it was time to take off the rain jackets for the rest of the ride. As a club we are a bit “Phil heavy”, this ride was probably the most Phil heavy of all time with 57% of riders being Phil’s.
All went well until we got to Hill Top for the second time where Phil H had a puncture… naturally, he tried the old trick of just putting some air into it to see how it goes. This has been proven to be unsuccessful in 100% of cases but everybody still thinks it may work. The sky looked a bit threatening so a change of plan was made to the coffee stop and it was bought forward a little early to Steff’s in Beaulieu as there were umbrellas outside which seems like a good idea. As the awards were the previous night and it was a long wait for the next club awards evening Phil H put in some early work for next years mechanic of the year with his puncture repair at the cafe which passed as entertainment for the other six. At the cafe stop the riders mainly decided to cut short and return home to avoid the afternoon showers and watch Milan San Remo. Only Phill B and Phil G (predictably) were looking for extra mileage. Hoping for better weather next week and seeing the return of the hydrophobic masses.

Sunday Club Ride

A pleasant weather window encouraged 16 riders out on this week’s Sunday mornings club ride. Setting off in two groups we headed west and then south over some of the worst roads that the New Forest has to offer. The first group was soon rewarded with their first puncture which was of course treated with the conventional level of sympathy (none) from the second as they passed, cockahoop with the thought of being first to the cafe. Karma soon came into play as group leader and chief amongst the gloaters picked up their first puncture of the day, followed it with the second and then faced the ignominy of group one’ glee as they passed. Despite the unfamiliar sunshine, things went from bad to worse as Phil’s rear derailleur self destructed, a very temporary fix meant that everyone had to limp back to base at a snails pace with high spirits somewhat crushed.

Audax Rides

With the weather conditions improving* it seems more riders are getting out at completing Audax events. This weekend saw Ray C. tick of 300km in the Rough Diamond event from Tewkesbury on Saturday as a qualifying event for P-B-P later in the year, and Alan W. clocking over 200km in the Gently Bentley event. When we say weather improving, Alan may beg to differ after a spot of wading on Sunday!

Get Involved:

If you find yourself out and about representing NFCC, don’t forget to jot down a few words, snap a few photos and send them over to press@newforestcc.co.uk.

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