Weekly Round-up: 26 Mar 2023

All the latest news, events, and results from NFCC Members from this week’s two-wheeled adventures…

Time Trial Timekeeper Training Course

Eleven Club Members gave up their Monday evening to learn some new skills to help the Club out with the upcoming TT season. Catherine Pascoe very kindly enlisted Kathy Collard-Berry to run the volunteers through the basics of becoming a Time Keeper’s Assistant – allowing them to support the start and finish of time trial events in future. As the sport we love and the Club we are all a part of relies on volunteers, we’re grateful to those that gave up their time, especially Catherine for organising and Kathy for showing us the ropes… Thank you!

Midweek Zwift Training

This week we had a few regulars unable to join due to illness, work commitments or both. Only three riders, Matt Smith, Jay Tarrant and Phil Grant made it to virtual Glasgow for 9 laps of the crit course. We managed to stay as a group right up to the penultimate lap; No easy task on the punchy Glaswegian roads! Another photo finish on the race lap between Jay and Phill! …with Phill almost seeing the fish cakes he had for tea again.
If you’re a current Club Member and want to get involved with the Zwift training rides, CLICK HERE to send an email and receive instructions on how to join the Virtual NFCC Zwift Club.

Saturday Club Ride

With a better weather forecast than the last couple of weeks we had The Dirty Dozen on the start line rather than The Magnificent Seven of last week. We split into two small pelotons and group one soon picked up another couple on the way. Conditions were challenging with strong winds all day and rewarded riding in our usual tight formation.
Barry had inadvertently planned a Belgian classic tribute ride which was appropriate as it’s that time of year. Strong cross and headwinds, some dirty roads, constantly changing direction and some squally showers so definitely more Flanders than Hampshire.
Group two was progressing well when a dissenting voice from the rear of the group started complaining about the route chosen to Wood Green. A pact was made and Smithy had to pledge to fix any punctures caused by his requested replan to ride via Hale Purlieu instead. Luckily for him no mishaps occurred.
Both pelotons met up at The Potting Shed for coffee but group one was split with some being suckered into doing some extra mileage and being goaded into riding up to the Azets Spring Road Race.
The remaining riders formed one peloton for the remainder of the route. Riders started to peel off as the the route passed close to their homes. The last three, Jack, Phil G and Barry were riding the last leg back to Brockenhurst and were then treated to an almighty downpour to round off the day.
Hope the run of bad Saturday weather ends soon.

Sunday Club Ride

Just 6 riders managed to correctly re-set their alarms and drag themselves down to the start line for this weeks Sunday club ride. They were poorly rewarded for their effort, starting in heavy rain and feeling progressively cold and damp thereafter. Conditions took their toll, thoughts of buttered crumpets and frothy coffees by the fire started to arrive unbidden into the minds of riders. Numbers consequently thinned out and ultimately everyone split up to make their own way home for the reward of a hot bath.

Get Involved:

If you find yourself out and about representing NFCC, don’t forget to jot down a few words, snap a few photos and send them over to press@newforestcc.co.uk.

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