Club Rides Monday 2nd January 2023

Weather forecast for Saturday has high winds predicted so not suitable for a peloton style ride. Sunday being New Years Day might be a challenge for riders to make a 0900 start so this weekend we’re going to repeat what we did on Christmas Eve and run both club rides on the same day, Monday 2nd Jan.

So, plan to meet at 0850 for an 0900 depart from the main car park in Brookley Road, Brockenhurst as usual. Then we’ll get into groups for two rides:


The Saturday ride will run at a slightly faster pace that the Sunday ride which will be a non-drop ride as usual. If all goes to plan, we should all meet up at the coffee stop at a similar time and there will be an option to change groups there.


“Saturday” ride, 83Km, coffee stop at Hockey’s after 39Km


“Sunday” ride, 58Km, coffee stop at Hockey’s after 34Km


Hope to see another strong turnout


  1. If anybody wishes to plan a gravel ride on Saturday or Sunday as an alternative to a road ride feel free to post one. I’ll be hors de combat this week as I’m having a wisdom tooth out on Friday


PPS. If anybody is road riding on Saturday, you might want to check out Brockenhurst Young Farmers Tractor and 4×4 run.  Probably best to avoid the same roads as that one if you can. Another reason why a gravel ride makes sense this week. Route and times are on social media.



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