Club Ride Saturday 15th April 2023

Looks like a good day for a longish ride this Saturday so planning a 133Km jaunt north of the forest to Longstock where we will stop for mid ride coffee at the Waitrose Farm Shop. Please bring a café lock if you have one as we do have to leave the bikes in the car park away from the shop.

There are two days of a sold out UK Cycling Events sportive in the forest this weekend so the plan is to keep out of their way as much as possible. The route is planned against their direction of travel and on different roads as much as possible.

Route is here and hopefully without last week’s poor mapping by yours truly:

Meet at 0850 for an 0900 depart from the main car park in Brookley Road, Brockenhurst as usual. Likely to be a smaller group as usual as a large contingent of regular Saturday riders will be en route to Girona for the club training camp so likely to be a single group with a wider range of strengths so strong riders please volunteer for long stints on the front this week please.


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