Weekly Round-up: 9 June 2024

All the latest news, events, and results from NFCC Members from this week’s two-wheeled adventures…

15 Challenge Aggregate R2

Traffic diversions and cattle gatherings played havoc with those out to set their fastest times in round 2 of the NFCC 15 Challenge Aggregate Series 2024. Full results for the night can be found by CLICKING HERE.

RCR FatCreations Goodwood Series #1

The first of the RCR FatCreations Goodwood Series this week with Phill Brown the only NFCC rider on the line again. The 70+ rider field split early on into race and Brown chased his way around the course to catch the leading pack. Sticking with the 16 rider breakaway for the majority of the race, a mis-timed turn on the front left Phill going backwards with a few laps to go. Despite dropping back to the main bunch, Brown managed to hold a relatively good position and cross the line 18th on the night.

Saturday Club Ride

Another club ride with a challenging head wind and seemed to be in our faces most of the day. This week was our annual tour of the New Forest Airfields. This came from an idea Neil S had a few years back and has become a regular ride on the Saturday closest to the D-day anniversary. This year was shorter than some of the airfield rides and took in the main airfields at Holmsley South, Iblsey, Stoney Cross and Beaulieu. We also took in some of the Advanced landing Grounds at Needs Oare Point, Sopley and Winkton. Only ten riders made the start, so we went out as a single peloton. With a mix of Group One and Group Two regulars it was a Group 1.5 this week. We headed towards Burley on the first part of a flatter than usual 120Km route. There we picked up Smithy who had had difficulties separating himself from the duvet that morning. We headed to Holmsley South and the memorial there.

We then had a re-route due to some fresh road dressing on Lyndhurst Road towards Godwinscroft so made a double back to avoid descending on loose gravel. Matt K made the start but did have to put four dynaplugs into two holes in his rear tyre. This doubly upset weight weenie Matt as it doubled the weight of his super lightweight race wheels. He pumped up his tyres and bravely carried on. The ride went through Bransgore, Matt’s home and he elected not to drop in and change his wheel. This can be found in the dictionary under the section marked “schoolboy error”! He had a couple more stops to put more air and plugs into his tyres and when we got to Milkham decided to cut his losses and head for home. Not for the punctures, that happens to all of us, but for not taking the opportunity to swap wheels when passing his house Matt goes into the barrel this week! After Stony Cross we said goodbye to Sean who had better things to do and continued our way to the coffee stop at Minstead Community Shop. There was a battle for the cushions won by Graham and Smithy as usual. The ride continued going to the south and west of the forest and all made it back without incident. Another good ride with some challenging headwinds. And probably a first for the club, a club ride with no Phil’s!

Sunday Club Ride

Eleven riders showed up for what would be a gloriously sunny Sunday ride. We set out as one group but soon encountered a beefy obstacle: a huge (and rather intimidating) cow that had suddenly decided wandering into our path and blocking nearly the entire width of the road was far more entertaining than munching on its grassy roadside breakfast. Navigating around this bovine blockade, we continued at a brisk pace towards Ten Bends.

It quickly became clear that splitting into two groups would be more effective, so we decided to form a faster group and a steady group. However, the breakaway formation took some time. My initial attempt to create a new group was mistaken for a sprint to set up a photo, leaving me alone up the road while everyone else stayed neatly in the peloton, smiling ready for their picture. Then as we made a second attempt, Jane put the hammer down, instantly neutralising any attempt to get away. After several kilometers of this mild chaos, four riders finally managed to form the marginally faster group.
On the return leg from Hatchet, we were met with a surprisingly stiff headwind. It’s nearly always a headwind on that section, but it still seems to come as an unwelcome surprise. Despite this, both groups maintained a healthy pace and reconvened at the café with only a few minutes separating them.
Picture by Phillip Standfield

GDWCC Summer Road Race

Reece Dawson join the peloton at the Gillingham & District Wheelers Summer Road Race this weekend. Despite his best efforts, Reece held on well with the main bunch for a majority of the race before another climb of one of the relentless rolling hills on the course left the pack slowly disappearing out of sight.

Get Involved:

If you find yourself out and about representing NFCC, don’t forget to jot down a few words, snap a few photos and send them over to press@newforestcc.co.uk.

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