Weekly Round-up: 15 Oct 2023

All the latest news, events, and results from NFCC Members from this week’s two-wheeled adventures…

Saturday Club Ride

The lower than expected temperatures seemed to deter the usual suspects from the Saturday Club Ride, with only 10 riders showing up for the start in a mild 6 degrees. Poltaroute described Barry’s marvellous creation for this weeks club ride as “A moderately hilly circular cycle route on roads, approximately 118.4 km long” and although it wasn’t wrong, the phrase “moderately hilly” seemed to stir some emotion in the bunch, with grumbles echoing throughout the first half of the ride. With two of the usual cyclo-cross riders in the bunch, it was Matt Knight who peeled off first before hitting the first of the draggy climbs while heading north. Joe Shepherd was the next victim of Barry’s route, again using the excuse of “racing the next day” to head home early. It might have been the dirty roads, it could have be the mixed-abilities all being in one group, or the favoured detour along a cycle-track, but riders were all very happy to finally reach Club favourite Chalke Valley Stores for a much needed mid-ride refuel.

Caffeinated, caked and ready to roll, Phil J escaped the coffee-stop early to get a head-start on the dreaded Bower Chalke climb, but confusion when the rest of the group departed left them guessing whether Jones would ever be seen again. With Robert S on the front and the sky starting to leak, the speed ramped up on the flatter sections on way home, before a few riders peeled off early to make their way home at a more sensible pace. Despite Matt hosting his own roadside innertube festival at Moyles Court, this week there’s only space for one man in Barry’s Barrel and the general consensus was he’s staying there until the end of the year. So for plotting a hilly route, sending the bunch down filthy and crater-filled roads that were unsuitable for even tanks, and for not even showing his face but deciding to go for a jolly in the sunshine on the Isle of Wight instead, step forward Mr Barry Wootten. Best bring your credit card next week, after all the bike cleaning that was required post ride, it was a unanimous vote; coffees are on you.

Sunday Club Ride

Another chilly start to the ride on Sunday but it was brightening nicely until John J and newcomer Daisy crashed at the junction with Charles’s Lane. Nobody saw just what happened, but Daisy had punctured so that probably caused it all. John suffered a bad cut over his left eye and many thanks to Sue from the New Forest Off Road Club who happened to be passing, who returned home for her car to take John to Lymington hospital where they were deciding whether to send him oin to Southampton or not. Daisy dislocated her elbow but to her surprise was able to put it back in and continue! After another prolonged stop to re-seat her tyre we eventually continued with the group fragmenting as people turned for home.
We hope everyone involved has a speedy recovery and it back on two wheels before long.

The South Downs Social Wessex CX League Rd.5: Southampton

Another weekend of getting muddy while riding bikes after a weekend off for the CX riders – this week, a local event in Southampton. Find out how the Club’s muddy bottoms got on by CLIKCING HERE.

Get Involved:

If you find yourself out and about representing NFCC, don’t forget to jot down a few words, snap a few photos and send them over to press@newforestcc.co.uk.

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