Club Ride – Sunday 6th December

With the recent changes to the guidelines for the area we’re able to re-start group rides this week. As before the latest lockdown rides will be split into pelotons of 6 or fewer riders. We are maintaining the same tracing policy so that means that rides will remain for members only, so please no visitors, guests or non-members until further notice. Usual meet point in the main car park in Brookley Road Brockenhurst. Please be at the start for 0850 for a 0900 depart. Please ensure that you comply with the “rule of 6” at the start and do not inadvertently merge into a larger group.
This weeks route is 54K Rhinefield/Bolderwood up and down/Minstead/Woodlands/Ashurst/Ipley Cross/Hatchett and then back to Brock, hopefully to the Sett for Vittles.
Route at
Sunday pace will continue to be approximately 25KPH depending upon the ability of the group.
Forecast is to be very cold so worth bringing an extra layer or 5 and keep half an eye on the forecast is case there is a risk of ice.
Hope to see a good turnout despite the chill.
Phil H

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