Club Ride – 4th May 2024

Bank holiday weekend so expecting higher volumes of traffic in the forest so plan this week is to take the ride out of the forest in search of relative tranquillity. Usual meet at 0850 for an 0900 depart from the main car park in Brookley Road, Brockenhurst.

Planned route is 132 KM and reasonably lumpy. Plenty of opportunity for the club’s mileage monsters to round up to a century or a metric double with a decent weather forecast.

Coffee stop planned at 56Km at the Community Café in Broad Chalke.

We have the option to top up supplies at the Coop in Alderholt or make a small diversion if an extra stop required.

Route can be found here:

Hope to see a bumper bank holiday turnout and all those returning from Italy showing off their tans!


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