BJW Reliability Ride 2: 100km

Three plucky, if not a little crazy, NFCC riders assembled in the flooded car park of Reef Youth & Community Centre near Wimborne for the second in a series of Bournemouth Jubilee Wheelers Reliability Rides.

Reece Dawson was there to right the wrongs of his previous ride, along with Matthew Knight & Phil Grant. The trio departed in a breakaway group towards Corfe Castle before being swallowed by the local peloton.

True to form, it was time for Matthew’s first puncture of the day, right before one of the Purbecks’ finest hills. Phil kindly returned to help while Reece powered on until his Wahoo decided to end his activity mid-ride. Now riding blind, the puncture party caught up with Reece, but only for a short time until Matthew had another one of his infamous punctures… Barry and the rest of the Club riders will be pleased to hear Matt’s getting plenty of practice in, bragging at the apres-ride about his superior sub-10 minute repair jobs.

The dark clouds closed in on the trio in the final few kilometres, so with the last of their energy reserves, Phil & Reece raced the rain back to HQ and left mechanical Matthew fighting for himself. The type 2 fun was all worthwhile as riders were welcomed back with hot drinks and a selection of cakes from the excellent hosts – a big thanks to Club friends and hosts, BJW.

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